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Kids Pro Sports Shoots

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Thanks for stopping by to find out more about our youth section club shoots.  Over the last few years we have dedicated a lot of time and resources into developing uniquely styled sports shoots incorporating coloured lights and smoke, initially for commercial work such as kit launch for Crusaders Football Club


So your interested what now.

First of lets go through what you get and how much it costs.  Each kid receives a

* 4 Professionally Edited Digital Images of the Player

* One Professionally Edited Digital Team Image

* Images uploaded to a personal club gallery where you have the option of getting prints of the digital images you bought.


The club will recieve a print release and access to the images to be able to use for their own promotional material.  All this costs just £20 per player paid on the night of the shoot.

Ok you want to go ahead now what.

So we usually work with the club youth co-ordinator directly who will ask the coaches to get round their parents and find out who would be interested so we can gauge numbers and put together a plan to facilitate the shoots.  We call out to your training and set up, larger youth sections may require us to call out a number of times as you can normally cover around 50-60 kids per night.  

Each club will have their own private club gallery were all images can be downloaded

There is a 10 player minimum for each call out.

To book in just email or call Ryan on 07305397711 and well get you sorted.

2019 Ryan Ward Film & Photography 

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