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Kids Pro Sports Shoots Info

We've just had the shoot, now what happens. - Ok so your images are ready and can be downloaded from the link at the bottom of the page but first theres a few things you may need to know

What do we get for our £20 again - 5 Individual digitals of your child and one team digital

Whats a digital. - Its a downloadable image and not a print.

Can I get a print - yes you can, we dont directly facilitate it but we link your online gallery to the print shop we use in England, meaning not only can you download your images from there but it also doubles up as an online shop that you can purchase a range of products from including prints and canvases.

How does that work when buying a print or canvas - Just click the image you want printed in the gallery then at the bottom of the image is a shopping trolley icon, click that and it will give you a range of print/canvas options of that image, pick what you need add it to your basket and check out, the printer will get the order and send it to you directly.

THE GOOD NEWS - I have upgraded everyones package to include free black and white copies of all your images they will be included in the gallery 



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